From the outside looking in

Listening to deep philosophy and theological teaching is a thing I love to do as I walk to work in the morning. I find that it makes productive use of my 20-minute walk to work (which I miss terribly in this quarantine period!). So this day, I was listening to Ravi Zacharias, one of my favorite speakers and authors EVER. He said, and I quote “It is interesting to notice while all of us may not violate all the commandments, we are generally very proud of the ones we keep and we have no sympathy with those who are violators in areas where we ourselves are virtuous.” Now, I’ve heard this particular teaching before but it didn’t strike me like it did this time. It made me think, “Isn’t that what we do? What I do?” I feel misunderstood when someone ‘judges’ me but when someone slips and falls in an area I don’t naturally find slippery, I often point the finger. ...  read more

Jesus loves me, this I know

None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.
Romans 8:38-39 (The Message Bible) ...  read more

The Mocking Red Lines

I remember clearly how blank I was when the test showed the two mocking red lines. I was pregnant! And when I say blank, I don’t mean mixed emotions or confused or whatever. I mean blank. I didn’t know what to say or if I should even say anything because if there was anything I knew at that point, it was that I wasn’t ready for the change that those two mocking red lines implied. And so I got home and took even more tests (like any pregnant girl in denial would do) telling myself that the first one was definitely “faulty”. And we all know how this story goes. I got even more red lines staring me in the face and that’s when I knew, it’s serious. ...  read more

Where it all began…

Several months ago, I watched a TV show where there was a discussion about whether or not someone should marry the person they impregnate or who impregnates them. It obviously caught my attention. I was keen to hear what the panelists had to say because since I got pregnant, I always wanted to get as much information about motherhood and life after unwed pregnancy. The show then begins with an introduction of the five or so panelists. If my memory serves me right, three or four were married and two were single lady with no kids. ...  read more