The place of grace

“Of course we do not dare classify ourselves or compare ourselves with those who rate themselves so highly. How stupid they are! They make up their own standards to measure themselves by, and they judge themselves by their own standards!”
2 Corinthians 10:12 (GNT)  ...  read more

Mothers’ Day Post: The Calling

Have you ever been in church or watched a sermon or something and been like “The pastor is talking about me!” only to realize that the friend you were with had the same reaction? It’s the same sermon, same words, same intonations but relevant in two very unrelated situations. Well, in a nutshell, I can say that that’s been my mum. ...  read more

We ain’t all crazy

There was one time, not too long ago, I went to lunch with two of my friends. I don’t know how we got to it but at some point, one of them told the other one that he knew some people who had a serious crush on her but couldn’t for the life of them approach her to express how they felt. They went back and forth on who it could be and then she asked him jokingly if anyone had a crush on me. Now I didn’t think much about it because I was already in a very happy and serious relationship. However, he went on to say that he did know but none would approach me because since I have a child, I’m an “electric fence.”
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Face the pain

Getting pregnant was really tough for me (for an ‘inspiring’ article, it definitely started out pretty sad) and one of the reasons was that I found unexplainable joy in making my family proud of me. I wasn’t always top of my class but seeing the look on my parents’ faces when I’d improve my grades or reach a target score in my tests always made me ecstatic! In truth, we were all raised differently and I don’t know the case in your home but the bottom line is that every child, in one way or another, craves the approval of their parent. The more I loved school, the better I’d perform and the more proud I’d feel like I made them. Then came the pregnancy and I just felt like everything I’d worked for for so long just blew away in the wind. And it crushed me!
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