Single motherhood: 5 make or break aspects of any single motherhood journey

Our experiences in life are quite diverse owing to various factors in our everyday lives. The combination of these varied factors make up our reality whether positively or negatively. Such is the case for the single motherhood journey as well. Everyone has the story of their life written through the experiences they’ve undergone. Whether good or bad, they are the bricks that build the home of our reality. So what are the make or break aspects of our single motherhood journey? ...  read more

Single motherhood: 5 myths and misconceptions

Happy July! It’s been a great past month having the financial goal-setting series last week. This week we’ll be talking about the theme: Single Motherhood. And this won’t be for the single mums alone but everyone will have something they can learn or contribute as we go through this month.  ...  read more

Goal setting: 5 lifestyle changes which will help you crush your financial goals

These past few months have had me on some financial know-how kinda vibe. I’ve read, listened to and watched so much financial content that I honestly feel challenged to better myself in this area. In the course of my research, one particular study I found gave a good picture of just how much personal finance impacts our lives. Here is an image that shows the results of a study related to personal finance conducted by Statista Global Consumer Survey conducted in Kenya in 2020. ...  read more

Goal Setting: 5 steps to achieving goals you set

Cliché quote: The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step

From new year, new month and even new week resolutions, we seem really good at setting goals but not really achieving them. This comes to mind for me since this is my birthday week and I’m also thinking of goals I want to achieve for my new year; the older and wiser kinda vibe. But I can think of at least 5 goals for this year alone which I’m yet to achieve, not because I’ve had insurmountable challenges but because I’ve mostly been lazy. It sounds really harsh saying it out loud but I’m trying to just be real and accountable with myself. Regardless, there’s a process I’m learning to commit myself to to help me be more effective in reaching my goals because my success often leads to a better me as a mum, wife, friend and person. So what is this process we can use to be more successful in achieving these goals? ...  read more